Starr Coburn
2 min readMay 30, 2020


How Much Longer God

If this is life, I do not want any parts of it. Lord you said that you would bring heaven on earth. Sometimes I feel living on earth is HELL. People are being murdered every second and mistreated because of the color of their skin. Cast out because they lack in certain areas.

How much longer God?

People invade the streets for justice, yet nothing has changed. You sent your son so that we would have a better life, yet history continues to repeat itself. People develop so much hate for one another that they take a person’s life without question.

How much longer God?

I must teach my children to protect themselves from the ones who sworn to protect us and protect themselves from the people they trusted and called friend. Where are the keepers of the brethren? Why so much disloyalty?

How much longer God?

Will the leaders you placed in office bow down to the likes of the enemy or the pure in heart sit back and allow wickedness to take place and not utter a word. When will your children stop allowing darkness to dim their light? When will we stop allowing the enemy to divide us, instead come on one accord to bring about change? A change that allows everyone to be treated equally and live in peace.

How much longer God?

Will your people talk about what is wrong, yet refuse to humble themselves and pray?

Lord I pray that the leaders you have called, step up and do what you have called them to do. I pray that all who are in authority step down if they are doing things they should not be doing. I pray that those who have witnessed individuals abusing their authority speak up. Expose those people so they can be removed from their positions and dealt with accordingly. Lord humble your people. Heal this land. LORD WE NEED YOU.

Photo by Randy Colas from Unsplash

