Starr Coburn
3 min readJan 29, 2021
Photo by Kevin McCutcheon on Unsplash

What happens when you eat food. It gives you energy, builds muscle, and creates fat cells. The remaining comes out as waste. The more you eat unhealthy food the more fat builds up. After a while what you have eaten will have a negative impact on how you function and it will show up on the outside as weight gain.

Often we eat unhealthy things knowing they are no good for us, mainly because they taste good and make us feel good at the moment. Eating unhealthy doesn’t show up right away. You will not gain 100lbs in a week, but you can gain 100lbs over time if you are not watching your weight.

People face this in three different ways. Some will see the weight gain and do nothing because they don’t care about the extra pounds. Some will alter their eating to stay at a certain weight. Some see the weight gain and go cold turkey. They will cut everything out to regain control of their weight. Sometimes people won’t change until they get a life or death report regarding their weight.

Imagine this is your spiritual body. Every day you are taking in worldly things from social media, people around you, and things you may come across. You have no filter and everything is welcome to enter your mind. You can’t always control what you see, but you can control what happens once you have seen it.

While the things we see or hear are entertaining it is altering our thinking and grieving our spirit. Let’s say one day you are having a conversation and you drop the F.;# Bomb. You can’t figure out where it came from. You don’t cuss. While you may not cuss your favorite comedian does and those memes you share with your unsaved love ones are filled with cursing.

You haven’t been watching what goes into your ear and eye gate. You are now spiritually unhealthy. You are partaking in worldly conversations. Instead of praying for people you have joined in the conversation. You use to pray when things in your life weren’t going right, now you are worried and jumping to conclusions.

What you allow to occupy your mind will eventually come out. You won’t have any control of it once those things decide to reveal themselves and expose you. It will come out in your actions. Your post will go from Godly to a little Godly with a hint of worldly and before you know it you won’t be able to find God anywhere in your post.

What you feed will grow. If you feed your flesh you can expect to react according to your flesh. If you feed your spirit(the word of God)you can expect to act in a way that is pleasing to God.

If this is you, you need a spiritual detox. You need to remove everything that is not of God. You can do this by reading God’s word, praying, and fasting. Remove anything or anyone from your life that is not of God. You can’t be friends with the world. “Whosoever, therefore, will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” You can be in the world, but not of the world. How can you help the world if you think just like them? Clean up your social media. You will have to unfollow that person that gives you a good laugh and a good scripture once out of the week, but the other six days they post explicit things. Stop grieving the Holy Spirit because you want to entertain your flesh.

